The Red Cross Heartland Chapter offers nationally--and OSHA--recognized health and safety programs that train, educate and prepare employees for emergencies. Employees are trained to respond during those critical first few minutes that make the difference between life and death. Work-related deaths and injuries cost American tax payers more than $63 billion each year; Cardiovascular disease is the fourth leading cause of death in the nation; A worker is killed on the job every 19 seconds. The American Red Cross knows employers are looking for better ways to make their businesses safe and healthy, without losing money. To help meet that need, the Red Cross developed high-quality, low cost, convenient safety programs for today's businesses and organizations.
Red Cross Workplace Programs include CPR, First Aid, Preventing Disease Transmission, and Protect Your Back. First Aid kits and Pocket Masks are available.
In 1997, the Red Cross and the Humane Society teamed up to create a first aid reference for cat and dog emergencies. Pet first Aid provides assistance and guidance to people whose pets are in life-threatening situations. The book presents illustrated information on symptoms and care for common ailments and emergencies and tips on maintaining a pet's health and well-being. Three sizes of Pet First Aid kits also are available.
Last year, the Red Cross Heartland Chapter certified 2,930 people at more than 110 businesses in CPR and first aid through its Workplace Programs.
Through the Heartland Chapter, Red Cross programs are offered at worksites, the Red Cross facility at South 80 Avenue and Spring St., as well as at other locations.
Red Cross Workplace programs can offer employers the following benefits:
- Convenience. Programs that can be tailored to meet specific scheduling needs--day or night shifts.
- Confidence. Easy-to-learn, easy-to-retain information gives employees the confidence to feel good about using their skills.
- Protection. Demonstrated, proven techniques for saving lives in the workplace and at home.
- Morale Boost. The realization that employees have been given an opportunity to protect their family, friends and co-workers is a real morale booster.
For more information on Heartland Chapter Workplace Programs, call (402) 343-7734. Classes can be taught at your site or ours. We can tailor programs to meet your company's needs. For example, one-on-one training for CPR and First Aid is available where you set the pace and time needed to complete the training.