All disaster training is free of charge. No written confirmation of enrollment will be sent. Class enrollment is limited.
Introduction to Disaster Services (ARC 3066)
Fundamental information about disasters and their effects and the roles of the American Red Cross and other agencies in disaster response. NOTE:This is a prerequisite for all other disaster courses.
Heartland Chapter Orientation to the Disaster Action Team (HODAT)
Provides an overview of the Disaster Action Team (DAT) and an introduction to the services of the Red Cross disaster program. NOTE:This is a prerequisite for membership on the DAT.
Disaster Damage Assessment (ARC 3067)
Instruction on the fundamentals of damage assessment and the importance of gathering reliable data on the physical damage caused by a disaster. Prerequisite: Introduction to Disaster Services.
Disaster Health Services Module I (ARC 3076-1)
For health professionals who wish to assist in delivering quality health services to disaster victims. Prerequisite: Introduction to Disaster Services. An application for 8.2 Contact Hours is pending with the Nebraska Nurses Association. A fee of $2 per contact hour is charged.
Emergency Assistance to Families Module I (ARC 3072-1)
Meeting the emergency needs of families affected by disaster. The course helps participants develop interviewing skills and the knowledge, attitudes, and relationships necessary to provide assistance. Prerequisite: Introduction to Disaster Services.
Application for 7.0 Continuing Education Hours in Social Work is pending.
Logistics Overview (ARC 3071-1)
Provides basic information about the activities and processes of the Logistics function in support of an American Red Cross disaster relief operation. Participants will learn skills, needed by Logistics workers, and how they can apply these skills in their work at the local chapter. Prerequisites: Introduction to Disaster Services.
Logistics Simulation (ARC 3071-2)
Provides participants with the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful logistical operation at their local chapter. Prerequisites: Introduction to Disaster Services and Logistics Overview.
Mass Care Overview (ARC 3068-1)
Provides participants with basic information about the activities of the Red Cross Mass Care function on a disaster operation. Participants will learn about the skills and abilities needed by Mass Care workers and how they can get started in their local chapter. Prerequisite: Introduction to Disaster Services.
Shelter Operations (3068-11)
The purpose of this class is to prepare Red Cross and other agencies staff to effectively and sensitively manage shelter operations as a team and to meet the needs of people displaced as a result of a disaster. Prerequisite: Introduction to Disaster Services.
Shelter Simulation (ARC 3068-12)
The purpose of this class is to provide participants with an opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful shelter operation. Participants work in teams to open, operate, and close a typical shelter operation. Prerequisite:Shelter Operations.
Introduction to Disaster Services (ARC 3066)
Heartland Chapter Orientation to the Disaster Action Team (HODAT)
Disaster Damage Assessment (ARC 3067)
Disaster Health Services Mod - 1 (ARC 3076-1)
Emergency Assistance to Families Mod - 1 (ARC 3072-1)
Logistics Overview (ARC 3071-1)
Logistics Simulation (ARC 3071-2)
Mass Care Overview (ARC 3068-1)
Shelter Simulation (ARC 3068-12)